Monday, 14 July 2008

And suddenly everywhere smells of fresh green oak.

I seem to remember saying that the glass was the most exiting thing to happen in a while, how the barn has changed though in cladding it is another matter.
Detail of the South West Elevation, we've had to take some scaffold down as the scaffolders haven't turned up to dismantle it yet.

Showing the oak over Tom's room.
I've started to clad the South East elevation.

Updated views of the lightwell.
The lightwell from inside: Suffice to say we absolutely love it, the light into the hall and landing is fantastic.

1 comment:

S Cooper said...

Yes, beautiful light in the hallway, well done, how proud you must be. Terrific to see the shots here.

keep them coming and good luck and happiness to you.

(Sosij on flickr)